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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


Road Weather Information System (RWIS)

For purposes of the ITS device guidance process, RWIS refer to in-field atmospheric and/or road weather monitoring devices that are capable of measuring conditions and reporting conditions back to a central server or a roadside device. RWIS are comprised of Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) in the field.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of RWIS. This planning guidance does not mandate the use of RWIS.

Three (3) guidelines have been identified to capture the most common uses of RWIS. While there are other purposes and uses for RWIS, the guidelines developed to date have focused on the following three. If you have suggestion of additional RWIS guidelines please contact us.


RWIS Guideline - 1:

Support Traveler Safety and Mobility


RWIS Guideline - 2:

Support Regional, Statewide, or Provincial Weather Monitoring


RWIS Guideline - 3:

Support Traveler Information Systems Through RWIS at Key Locations

  Purpose: To provide site specific atmospheric and road surface condition reports to the agencies responsible for responding to weather events in order to promote safe travel and maintain travelers’ mobility.   Purpose: To monitor weather and road surface conditions on a regional, statewide, or provincial grid in order to support wide area weather monitoring and/or modeling and weather prediction in support of snow and ice management activities.   Purpose: To gather real-time data describing atmospheric weather and road surface conditions in order to inform travelers of the conditions, either through pre-trip traveler information systems or through en-route information dissemination systems.  
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