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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


Dynamic Speed Display Sign (DSDS)

For purposes of the ITS device guidance process, DSDS shall be defined as permanent or temporary signs that detect and display a vehicle's current speed to the driver, often the speed display indicateds if the vehicle is exceeding the speed limit. Dynamic Speed Display Signs are also commonly referred to as "Your speed is" signs, or "Driver Feedback" signs.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of DSDS.  This planning guidance does not mandate the use of DSDS.

Three (3) guidelines have been identified to capture the most common uses of DSDS. While there are other purposes and uses for DSDS, the guidelines developed to date have focused on the following three. If you have suggestion of additional DSDS guidelines please contact us.


DSDS Guideline - 1:

Transition Zones


DSDS Guideline - 2:

Posted Speed Adherence


DSDS Guideline - 3:

Intelligent Work Zones

  Purpose: To promote speed limit adherence in locations of speed limit reduction zones.   Purpose: To promote speed limit adherence in locations prone to vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit.   Purpose: To promote speed limit adherence in locations where posted speeds have temporarily been reduced for construction, maintenance or other traffic control.  
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