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CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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Device should be considered if: | ||||||
1. The 85th percentile speed (as determined by a speed study) at a location within the lower speed limit area exceeds the posted speed limit by at least 10 mph. (1) AND 2. The zone experiences a posted speed limit reduction of at least 10 mph. AND 3. There are no other Dynamic Speed Display Signs along the route encountering the speed transition, within 5 miles in either direction (excluding DSDS within school zones). (2) Note: Signs tend to be most effective where there are two lanes or less in one direction of travel. References: (1) City of St. Paul Minnesota, Department of Public Works, Traffic Engineering. Dynamic Speed Display Signs . 2004. (2) Mn/DOT. Dynamic Speed Display Sign Memo. http://dot.state.mn.us/trafficeng/committees/minutes/jul/Attachment%202.pdf. |
CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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