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CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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How Can I Use the ITS Planning Guidelines? | ||||||
The intent of this project is to assess if ITS guidelines can assist agencies in the decision process of deploying an ITS device for a specific application. The intent is that guidelines could also be used to validate existing ITS device deployments. The use of the guidelines is intended to be an initial step in the decision making process, analogous to more conventional cost-benefit analyses, and as such the guidelines would only be one of many tools used in the decision process for determining if a device is to be deployed. The driving force behind the development of the ITS guidelines is the fact that, often, a numerical cost-benefit analysis of ITS devices is difficult or even not possible. For example, while the costs of a CCTV camera can easily be estimated, the financial benefits of a CCTV camera are difficult to estimate. Therefore, the goal of the guidelines is to provide a preliminary analysis of whether a specific ITS device should be considered at a candidate location. If it is determined that a device should be considered, this represents a first step in the decision making process of whether to deploy or not. Local agencies or states are then encouraged to perform local engineering and planning analyses (as required) to determine whether the deployment is feasible at this location. The guidelines are arranged by the functions or purposes for each ITS device, and were developed to be a series of simple yes or no questions that can be answered quickly, avoiding the complexity of collecting a lot of data before using the warrants. Please follow the following three steps when using the ITS guidelines:
Final Thoughts on the Use of the Guidelines Many of the ITS guidelines examine whether lower cost or less technology oriented solutions would be more appropriate. Whenever possible, notes are included in the guidelines. Therefore, while an ITS device might not be considered at a location, other options for meeting the same objectives might be more appropriate. |
CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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