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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


Variable Speed Limit (VSL)

For purposes of the ITS device guidance process, VSL shall mean a sign capable of displaying different speed limits to travelers (in which the speed limit is either a recommended or mandatory limit) that are either manually activated or controlled by a combination of detectors and algorithms to select appropriate speeds.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of VSL. This planning guidance does not mandate the use of VSL.

Four (4) guidelines have been identified to capture the most common uses of VSL. While there are other purposes and uses for VSL, the guidelines developed to date have focused on the following four. If you have a suggestion of additional VSL guidelines please contact us.


VSL Guideline - 1:

Maximize Capacity


VSL Guideline - 2:

Safe Stopping Distances


VSL Guideline - 3:

Safe Travel Speeds for Conditions

  Purpose: To maximize capacity by maintaining uniform travel speeds that are optimal for the current volume of traffic, and prevent the roadway system from becoming "unstable" and reaching congested conditions.   Purpose: To encourage travel at speeds that are conducive to stopping safely for stopped or slowed vehicles (e.g. crashes, stalls, other incidents).   Purpose: To maintain safe travel speeds during periods when road and/or driving conditions may be impacted.  

VSL Guideline - 4:

Work Zones

  Purpose: To post varying speed limits for construction zones in order to only slow traffic when necessary or to maintain consistent travel speeds to promote safety.          
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