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CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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Device should be considered if: | ||||||
1. The number of crashes occurring during weather events in the area surrounding the RWIS site (roughly 20 mile radius) is more than 5 per year. AND 2. If there are unique geography conditions at the site that prohibit the prediction of accurate weather from such systems as NWS forecasts. AND 3a. The area in consideration is prone to fog or other local (non regional) visibility restrictions (defined as 10 or more events per year where fog presents dangerous driving conditions). OR 3b. The area in consideration is near an attraction or other draw (winter recreation area, college, resort area) that attracts visitors traveling at least 1 hour to reach the destination. OR 3c. The area is along a regular commuter path. OR 3d. The route does not have an alternate route. |
CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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