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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


RWIS Guideline 1 - Support Traveler Safety and Mobility

Purpose: To provide site specific atmospheric and road surface condition reports to the agencies responsible for responding to weather events in order to promote safe travel and maintain travelers’ mobility.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of RWIS. This planning guidance does not mandate the use of RWIS.

  Device should be considered if:  

1a. The location surrounding the candidate site typically experiences 3 or more crashes related to weather events each year.


1b. The location surrounding the candidate site has experienced crashes related to weather events above the typical crash rate or 1 or more fatalities per year in crashes occurring during weather events.


1c. The location surrounding the candidate site is prone to weather events frequently causing difficult driving conditions (e.g. treacherous roads in winter storms, seasonal or storm related flooding, pockets of fog).


2a. The number of weather events that would be measured and reported at the location is typically more than 10 per year.


2b. The area surrounding the site experiences rare weather events that cause serious operational problems that often last multiple days (e.g. one major ice storm).


3. There is not another weather and road surface monitoring station that provides access to the data.

In using the guideline, it is recommended that the agency research whether any other agencies (National Park System, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Aviation, National Weather Service) has weather and/or road condition monitoring stations and make the data publicly available.

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