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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


HAR Guideline 2 - Venue Parking/Route Guidance

Purpose: To provide parking or route guidance information around major venues where unfamiliar travelers can benefit from verbal explanations (e.g. airports, National Parks, tourist attractions).

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of HAR. This planning guideline does not mandate the use of HAR.

  Device should be considered if:  

1. The venue is visited by at least 10,000 visitors per day (either year-round or seasonally).


2a. If there are parking and drop-off/pick-up options that are not inherently simple enough to disseminate using static or DMS sign displays.


2b. If there are parking options and real-time parking availability information available for dissemination.


2c. If there are more than one primary access routes to the venue covered by the range of the HAR device (i.e. one HAR device would support all approaches vs. multiple signs being needed).

Partial Guideline Criteria:
If #2a, #2b, or #2c above are met, the guideline is considered ‘Partially Met’. If one or more additional purposes are partially met at this location for this device, the device should be considered.

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