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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


HAR Guideline 1 - Weather and Driving Conditions

Purpose: To provide road weather information and/or regulatory restriction information (e.g. chain requirements) to drivers to alert them to impending conditions.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from installation of HAR. This planning guideline does not mandate the use of HAR.

  Device should be considered if:  

1. If the location is upstream and within 4 hours driving proximity to locations that are prone to weather situations that travelers would not otherwise be forewarned about (e.g. spots where fog regularly forms, bridges that ice early, mountain passes with weather that differs from approaches).


2a. If there is a need to disseminate a detailed report (such as those possible using HAR recordings) as opposed to flashing beacons or DMS.


2b. If weather events contribute to a significant number of crashes or road closures such that there are major impacts to travelers (this may include 1 or more annual closures or crashes on freeways or 10 or more crashes or closures annually on arterials).

Partial Guideline Criteria:
If #1 And #3 above are met, the guideline is considered ‘Partially Met’. If one or more additional purposes are partially met at this location for this device, the device should be considered. Otherwise it should not be considered at this time.

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