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CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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Device should be considered if: | ||||||
1. If the location is prone to weather situations that travelers would not otherwise be forewarned about (e.g. spots where fog regularly forms, bridges that ice early, mountain passes with weather that differs from approaches). AND 2. If there is available road weather information for the area downstream of the candidate DMS location. AND 3. If there is the capability (either manually by staff members or automated through a condition reporting system) to create event specific descriptions of weather conditions to be displayed on the DMS. AND 4a. If there is a need to disseminate event specific descriptions (rather than a lower technology approach such as activating a flashing warning sign that says "Weather Alert When Flashing"). OR 4b. If there are options for either alternate routes or services, that might be described on the DMS, where travelers may wait out conditions. OR 4c. If flashing beacon signs have been tried and not proven to generate responses from travelers. AND 5. If weather events contribute to a significant number of crashes or road closures such that there are major impacts to travelers. Guideline Advice: Partial Guideline Criteria: |
CCTV | DMS | HAR | RWIS | VSL | Dynamic Speed Displays | Ramp Meters| Curve Warning Systems| Intelligent Work Zones | ICWS |
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