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Planning Guidance for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation Operations and Maintenance

ENTERPRISE Transportation Pooled Fund Study


CCTV Guideline 1 - Traffic Observation for Signal Control Changes

Purpose: To visually observe traffic conditions in order to determine if alternate signal timings are appropriate before implementing alternate traffic signal timing plans remotely.

Engineering judgment should be used to assess potential implications that may result from the installation of CCTV. This planning guidance does not mandate the use of CCTV.

  Device should be considered if:  

1. There are typically periods of time at least twice per week of ‘loaded’ cycles (i.e. where the vehicles in the queue do not all dissipate in one green cycle) that last 15 minutes or longer.


2. The signalized intersection has sufficient cross street traffic such that visual observation is needed determining if alternate signal timings are appropriate to benefit the primary direction of flow (i.e. in order to verify that the secondary street is not backing up).


3. The operations personnel have the ability to activate special event timing plans remotely.

Partial Guideline Criteria:
If either #1 or #3 above are met, the guideline is considered ‘Partially Met’. If one or more additional purposes are partially met at this location for this device, the device should be considered.

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