Project Summary
In the previous ICWS ENTERPRISE effort, Developing Consistency in ITS Safety Solutions – Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (Phase 1) , the project concluded with a preliminary design guidance and an evaluation framework for intersection conflict warning system (ICWS) deployments. The project engaged several national standards groups and industry associations including the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering, and the Traffic Control Devices and Evaluation of Low Cost Safety Improvements pooled funds.
This project furthered supported the standardization of intersection conflict warning systems by coordinating among the various national standards and association groups, and by developing a concept of operations and system requirements for the four types of ICWS identified in the Design and Evaluation Guidance for Intersection Conflict Warning Systems.
Related Documents/Links
For a listing of related documents and links to this intersection conflict warning systems ENTERPRISE project click here. For more information about the other phases of ENTERPRISE work with intersection conflict warning systems go to:
- Phase 1 – Developing Consistency in ITS Safety Solutions – ICWS: The purpose of this project was to develop a consistent approach for accelerated, uniform deployment and further evaluation of intersection conflict warning systems (ICWS), and to recommend preliminary standards for MUTCD consideration. This work was initiated through a webinar and two in-person workshops. Participants included ENTERPRISE pooled fund states, other states that have deployed systems, FHWA, NCUTCD, AASHTO and NACE.
- Phase 3 – ICWS Support and Outreach: This phase will continue coordination with national standards groups, industry associations and other pooled fund programs that have been engaged through the ENTERPRISE ICWS work. Phase 3 will also continue to provide ICWS deployment support to ENTERPRISE members.
- Phase 4 – Roadmap for Next Generation Intersection Conflict Warning Systems (ICWS): This project identified and documented issues related to the development and deployment of next-generation approaches to ICWS. This information was utilized to develop a roadmap of prioritized next steps to help guide future ICWS deployment efforts.