To the ENTERPRISE Pooled Fund Study Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Planning Guidance Research Project website. ENTERPRISE program representatives from member states worked together with the goal of building a tool which would provide guidance in helping make the initial decision of whether or not to deploy Intelligent ITS solutions. ENTERPRISE members consist of transportation agencies that fund and perform projects to address specific needs in the members’ agencies, that are related to advance technologies in transportation, and that are most suited to collaborative group efforts.
To get started with using the Planning Guidance either:
- Select an ITS device below to begin the process of determining if deployment should be considered at your location; or
- Click here for more information on how to use the planning guidelines.
We encourage you as transportation professionals to contribute to the enhancement and use of the ITS Planning Guidance by continuing to provide feedback. If you have questions about the guidelines or have input from your use of them contact us.
A final report (Version 3.1) is available that includes background on how the planning guidelines were developed and the text for each of the device planning guidelines in one document.
The ENTERPRISE ITS planning guidelines were presented to the AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering (SCOTE) as a first step in working with an organization to review the guidelines. SCOTE approved a resolution to participate in the review of the guidelines. ENTERPRISE since October 2013 has been working with a SCOTE Task Force to review the planning guidance. It is anticipated that the SCOTE Task Force will continue to provide input to the guidelines on a periodic basis as enhancements are made to the guidelines. This final report (Version 3.1) incorporates the modifications provided by SCOTE to ENTERPRISE.
NOTE: The original term “ITS Warrants” was changed to “ITS Planning Guidance” in 2014 to eliminate the statutory/legal implications association with the publication of official warrants.