This project (Phase 4) continued to build off a series of projects that have been conducted by the ENTERPRISE Pooled Fund Study to develop planning guidance (warrants) for ITS devices. NOTE: The original term “ITS Warrants” changed to “ITS Planning Guidance” in 2014 to eliminate the statuatory/legal implications association with the publication of official warrants. The guidance was developed to assist agencies with ITS device deployment decisions and site selection.
- Phase 1: ITS Planning Guidance was developed for the following devices: Closed Circuit Television, Dynamic Message Signs, Highway Advisory Radio and Road Weather Information Systems.
- Phase 2: ITS Planning Guidance was developed for the following devices: Variable Speed Limit Signs, Dynamic Speed Display Signs, Curve Warning Systems, Ramp Meters and Intelligent Work Zones.
- Phase 3: This phase documented the activities ENTERPRISE conducted as owner and maintainer of the ITS planning guidance to assist in identifying potential organizations for transitioning the guidance. After the ENTERPRISE Board reviewed the different options for one organization to maintain the ITS Device Planning Guidance, it was agreed that ENTERPRISE should continue to own and maintain the warrants and partner with organizations to review the warrants. In Phase 3, ITS Planning Guidance was also developed for Intersection Conflict Warning Systems.
ENTERPRISE has continued to test and refine the warrants while exploring industry acceptance for the concept. Based on the recommendation from Phase 3, in 2013 ENTERPRISE presented the ITS Device Guidance to the AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering (SCOTE). In June 2013 SCOTE approved a resolution to review the ITS planning guidance work completed by the ENTERPRISE Pooled Fund . From October 2013 to July 2014 a task force of SCOTE representatives worked with ENTERPRISE through a number of webinars to provide detailed modifications and comments on the guidelines to ENTERPRISE for consideration.
The purpose of this project (Phase 4) was to continue to work with the SCOTE subcommittee to:
- Update the ITS planning guidance documentation and website based on recommendations from SCOTE and
- Review and prioritize suggested enhancements to the ITS planning guidance suggested by SCOTE and ENTERPRISE to develop a list of enhancements to be completed within this project.
The enhancements and modifications to the planning guidelines from this project (Phase 4) were included in the ITS planning guidance final report. The final report includes background on how the planning guidelines were developed and the text for each of the device planning guidelines in one document. The modifications were also incorporated on the website.
The ITS Planning Guidelines developed by ENTERPRISE are available at: The website includes background information of the development of the guidelines, instructions on how to use the guidelines, and the guidelines for the ten (10) devices developed to date.