This project began with a focus on ITS and was revised to explore ITS as enabling technology for the broader applications of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) in planning and operations. This reflects a more comprehensive view of ITS which allows agencies to collaborate in active management of the transportation system according to regional operations objectives.
New TSMO strategies are continually being developed and technology continues to rapidly evolve. This makes it challenging for transportation planning and operations staff to stay abreast of the latest information and factor it into their processes. ENTERPRISE recognized that planning and operations staff may not have adequate tools to support their decision making regarding which TSMO strategies may be appropriate to address certain transportation challenges. For example, a planner in a regional office may be reviewing a growing freeway congestion issue and may not know how best to determine if the most appropriate TSMO strategy is managed lanes or ramp metering.
This project identified resources that are currently available to support the consideration of TSMO operations objectives and strategies. With input from the USDOT Planning for Operations Program, it was determined that a decision support tool based on Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: The Building Blocks of a Model Transportation Plan Incorporating Operations – A Desk Reference would further support the consideration of TSMO strategies to solve transportation challenges. Additional selection criteria, strategies and reference resources were incorporated into the tool along with existing material from the Desk Reference. The decision support tool developed for one TSMO area – Traveler Information – to allow for evaluation before developing other TSMO areas. The final report presents feedback on the preliminary tool and recommendations for consideration if a decision support tool is further developed.