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Real-Time Integration of Arrow Board Messages into Traveler Information - Phase 2

This ENTERPRISE project “Real-Time Integration of Arrow Board Messages into Traveler Information Systems” outlines an effort to integrate Arrow Board status information (e.g. direction of arrow) from the field into existing and future traveler information systems to alert Transportation Management Center (TMC) operators and travelers in real-time of for example a lane closure. Per direction from the ENTERPRISE Board, the project was separated into three phases in order to properly assess needs and potential solutions before deployment and evaluation at one or more ENTERPRISE agency sites.

Phase 1 of this project involved agency collaboration (i.e. ENTERPRISE Pooled Fund members) to generate Model Concept of Operations and Model Requirements documents for a system to report Arrow Board status information to TMC staff for improved traveler information dissemination and performance reporting, that would not require significant agency staff time in the field or at the TMC. These model systems engineering documents were developed for ENTERPRISE agencies to use and modify when implementing solutions to integrate active work zone notifications into their current traveler information dissemination systems. These model documents are likewise expected to enable Arrow Board manufacturers and third-party integrators to develop systems that are flexible to meet the various needs of multiple agencies.

The objective of this Phase 2 project was to generate an Evaluation Plan for examining the process, effectiveness, lessons learned, and benefits of Arrow Board Reporting Systems once they are deployed. The Evaluation Plan is expected to guide future evaluations of one or more pilot deployments conducted by ENTERPRISE agencies.

The Evaluation Plan will be used in Phase 3 of this project to facilitate and evaluate deployments of this concept in select ENTERPRISE member states. It is recommended that each deploying agency develop a concept of operations and requirements document based on the model documents as well as conduct a separate, detailed verification test to document requirements that are met (or not met) to establish a baseline for the evaluation in understanding the variations and capabilities of deployed Arrow Board Reporting Systems. Additionally, it is important to note that the developed evaluation strategy and plan is for use by each agency testing a deployment, however components may be modified once deployment details for an individual agency are finalized.







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